Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Energy of Spring: Five Ways to Connect

There's something about Spring that makes you feel alive and awake. Basking in what seemed to be an earlier than usual Spring this week, many New Yorkers rejoiced. Spring, in fact, is early in both a meteorological and astronomical sense. This year spring made its earliest arrival since the late 19th century: 1896. With the added boost of sunshine and light there are many ways we can celebrate and incorporate the cycles to support our well-being.

Celebrated as the Return of Light, the vernal equinox highlights the point where the days and nights are of equal length, with the days continuing to build in length and the nights shortening until the time of the Summer Solstice in June. It is during the vernal equinox that we can sow our seed intentions for the current year. In ancient times after harsh weather conditions, shortage of food and perhaps times of isolation, celebrating in community for new births, increased prosperity and increased expansion was the norm.
The March equinox coincides with many cultural events, religious observances and customs that center around stepping into the light, rejoicing in renewal, rebirth and regeneration. Some of the holidays associated with the Vernal Equinox are Alban Eilir, Eostar, Festival of Trees, Eostre, Feast of Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Lady Day, NawRuz, No Ruz, Ostara, Ostra and Rites of Spring. Springs also brings holidays such as Easter and Passover.

Whether your mind, body or spirit has collected some quite real or psychological dust…it’s time to brush it off!

The beginning of the astrological year in Aries, highlights new beginnings, the self, trying new things and bursting forward from idea to manifestation.

1.     Just Breathe please…Take a moment and connect to your breath. Breathing in through your nose and releasing through your mouth. Allowing your eyes to gently close. Imagine that you are releasing what you no longer need through your exhalation and bringing in new energy with your inhalation.

2.     Be mindful: As you sit paying attention to your breathing and connecting more to a mindful and present state ask yourself if there is a quality that you need to bring into your life? Ideas: compassion, hope, joy, acceptance, peace, optimism, love, right action, patience, courage. Repeat this word and let it become your personal mantra as you take time each day to breathe and bring in your much needed quality. Write it down on an index card, make it your wallpaper on your screen.

3.     Get moving! Get thee to Nature! Take a walk, a jog, a visit a local park. Connecting to nature tends to bring even the most inflexible parts of ourselves into greater balance. You don’t have to think, or do anything. Just show up and let yourself BE at least for that time.

No list can be complete without the appropriately named,
 Spring Cleaning.

4.     Restore & Renew!
  • While most of us don't subscribe to the ancient proverb that "cleanliness is next to godliness", there are few of us that would argue how great it feels after an in-depth Spring cleaning. Yes, a general cleaning of our home AND work space can assist us in feeling renewed and ready to step out into the world feeling refreshed! Roll up your sleeves and get to it!
  • Update your diet. This new season calls for more activity. Eat fresher food and take the time to savor what you are consuming.
  • Go through wardrobe, furniture, papers, “stuff” that can collect during introspective or inactive times. Let it go, recycle, sell it. Do away with what no longer serves you. Releasing the old makes room for the new to enter your life.
  • Look around. Do you think your environment needs an energy lift? Scientists have been researching how color affects mood for years. Take the time to explore what large/or small change you could do for your home or work space that will support you in stepping into a more renewed sense of well-being. Splashes of red, orange and yellow add energy and enthusiasm while blue, green and violets tend to represent tranquility and relaxation.
  • Take a look in the mirror. Perhaps a new haircut, highlighting or something that makes you feel revamped, renewed, reinvented…
5.     Connect with others: Rally your people. I know of no better way to feel renewed or welcoming the light then to gather friends and family over a meal or even calling on them to get involved in a larger cause. Connecting to community, gathering our human forces to assist others going though unsettling times is a great way to express gratitude. Honor the cycles of giving and receiving. Renew your mind, body and spirit by connecting to our global human family and make a difference that can return the light to someone...after all, isn't Spring all about the hope and potential for a better and more fulfilling life? Let's share that potential, hope and energy with our global family.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Leveraging what you are AMAZING at into your Business

BE AMAZING! by Sylvie Fleury @Jen Bekman Gallery

This question keeps popping up this week so I just had to post!

Danielle LaPorte’s (http://www.daniellelaporte.com/ ) Spark Kit asks, 

"What do you think your form of genius is?"
"What are you amazing at?

Many respond: “my courage, my kindness, my caring, my personality, my sense of humor” and then kinda scratch their head… “but how do I leverage these qualities in my business?”

More often than not, our best strengths are not necessarily skills or special talents but just our PRESENCE. When people feel comfortable around you, expressing affinity towards you... we tend to overlook that great strength. Sometimes we take our natural gifts for granted or do not view them as strengths and forget them when in pursuit of our worldly career expression/expansion.

The question becomes, “How do I use ME in my business?”

First, let’s take a step back and recognize…PASSION.

Yes, those people with the gleam in their eye and I'm not talking the greedy gleam of $$$$. I'm talking about those people who are SO passionate about what they do that you can barely keep your eyes off them.

Whether they are public relations professionals, performers, light workers, teachers, artists, healers, leaders...It doesn't matter WHAT they do, it's HOW they do it that makes them magnetic. 

Have you ever noticed that by just being in the "presence" can affect you positively? Or consider the flip side, people with tons of negativity. The negativity can translate into increased anxiety and fatigue when you are around them.

People vibrating a certain tone, energy or quality just seems to "uplift, energize, galvanize, heal, soothe" you or others. That's why walking your talk and living your truth is so important. 

When you are living what is in your heart, you are unstoppable. You are plugged into the Source, the purest emanation and others will seek you out. By loving yourself with all you've got, with all your mind/body/spirit, you will be the lighthouse that brings those ships (clients) home to themselves, to their love, their light. 

I know that my presence heals, soothes, and inspires without saying a word. People have told me. I feel it. It's because of the energy I am bringing to the table. Like attracts Like. Frankly, that's why I am involved in certain activities and groups. I want to be surrounded by people on their purpose and in their passion emanating what I am cultivating in my own life and what I am evolving my life to be. 

Every time I read a post, it makes my heart sing & my soul expand...I am at the right place, with all the right people, gathering power for each person to shine forth their passionate purpose in their own lives and for the world.

Cultivate your own love, your own self-care, live your truth, fall off the wagon & get back on...this will draw those that are meant to work with you. Don't feel you have to be perfect to be a teacher, coach, salesman, police officer... NO SUCH THING. 

We are perfectly imperfect. Those things we often think are imperfections hold the nuggets of soul lessons & wisdom we need to learn and dare I say...teach? They say that we teach what we need to learn, and I believe it. It took several years for me to become an expert, plus some more to stand up without fear and say I am one : ) 

It is my deep conviction that we are born with everything we need for what we are meant to do. That means that we have the right vehicle (body) the right amount of humor and capacity for growth. Now, what we do with what we are given is up to us. 

Everything you need is WITHIN you already. Life draws people, circumstances, and situations that allow for the growth of our organic soul seeds, for the development of our truest nature. I've been a cheerleader all my life, looking at the bright side and always, always feeling that sacred connection to the Divine. I wrote a letter to God/Great Spirit/the Universe when I was 19 and asked to be a vessel for inspiration, communication, healing and growth. 

The word I was searching for was transformation. I didn't know it at the time. Life took me through many a maze and the bottom line was that I SERVED wherever I was. As a guide and facilitator, I was doing what I do at every job I've ever had! It didn't matter the title. I was assisting people to release the past, step into their own SHINE, be who they dream of being and live their heart's desire.

I am growing everyday and reaching different levels of understanding. There is truly so much for me to learn about business, etc. People are inspired by REAL stories, real journeys of loss, love, wisdom. The more we risk, learn & live the more we have to offer. People relate to overcoming struggles & facing the usual human obstacles. I am good at dealing with my client’s issues because I have been there in so many ways. Everything that you have experienced...good, bad or even ugly, has honed you for this present moment of pure possibility. If you ask yourself...you know that all the true power lies in the NOW.

1. Find out what you are AMAZING at
2. Honor your GENIUS by loving/accepting yourself
2. Go out and DO IT!
3. Hone your GIFT- give it away  
4. Keep your focus on SERVICE
5. Accept your expertise & get PAID
6. Do what you LOVE
7. Keep growing & SHARE the joy

Now do us all a favor...and GO Be AMAZING!  

We are waiting for YOU!

copyright V.Codorniu 2012