Sunday, July 31, 2016

We are in the midst of great change. Each and every one of us. Personal, private, deep, outspoken, euphoric freedom-seeking change. Global, public, positively world shaking and consciousness shifting change.

We know there is more to life than what we have been told. There's an internal pull that wants to explore possibilities. Something within no longer wants to conform to outmoded structures and ways of being.

You can ignore it. You can hide from it. But the very foundation that you have called your reality is changing and slowly, often quickly… We are waking up. 
We are being called to ACTION. 

The doors have opened.

You may be a creative, a visionary, a dreamer and a doer, one thing is certain…you SEE things in a different way than most and you are sensitive to the bigger picture while connecting to the parts of the whole.

Training, mentors, books and research are key to our growth and the one thing I believe can focus all that learning and natural talent is to leverage your sensitivity into your greatest advantage!

Having worked with thousands of clients and students, both in the US and abroad and having followed my own bliss to a successful life and business, I know that at the heart of every successful human being is a commitment to believing in a reality that perhaps others will not validate.

True success is self-defined and the confidence and courage to pursue our own path comes from trusting our vision, our passion and our intuition.

Below are the 10 big ideas and steps you need to start leveraging your intuition as your greatest advantage.

1.     We Are All INTUITIVE: We Are Wired To Receive/Transmit Invisible Information

It’s an undeniable fact that we are made of energy and connected to everything and everyone through energy. We are constantly interacting with visible and invisible energetic information.  

We are, as human beings, wired to receive and transmit! How does this fit in with our definition of intuition?

Caroline Myss, NYT’s best-selling author and medical intuitive explains, “ It’s the ability to read trans-logical information.” In other words, we are made to access energetic information through time and space.

Intuition is also described as “knowing without knowing how you know.” Gut feelings. Voices. Inner knowing. The chills and the shivers when something is “off” and when something is just right!

Yup. We are literally wired to receive information. WIRED!!!!

2.     Expand Your Mindset: The More You ALLOW the More Your Intuition Grows

It’s a core belief in the consciousness movement you may be acquainted with is:
“ As you believe, you perceive and achieve/receive.”

So it follows with intuition. The more you are open to your intuition, the more it shows up for you.

Now that you know we are all wired to receive/transmit information we can stop discounting the weird feeling that you get when something feels off. As you believe that you are born intuitive, you set the stage for more awareness and greater clarity!

3.     Acknowledge & Learn To Dance With Fear
One of the biggest blocks that holds people back from listening to their intuition and truly living their purpose is FEAR.

Many programs or teachers claim you can become fearless, I believe fear is there for a reason and as long as we keep pushing our comfort-zone we will have fear come up. It’s a natural by-product of taking risks.

Know that we are biologically wired to keep ourselves safe. That means that when we perceive threats from the outside world we react in a fight/flight or freeze mechanism.

Learning to dance with fear is in part, exploring what frightens us.

·      Take a moment: Take a deep breath in.

·      Ask yourself,” What fears come up when I think about listening to my intuition? What fears come up when wanting to go to the next level with my life’s mission?”

·      Write them down. Now ask yourself,” What do I need to know about my fears now?”

Increased awareness and compassion for a part of you that wants to keep you safe is at the core of learning to dance with your fear. You know it’s there, you smile and step up anyway.

4.     Know Thyself: Pay Attention To How YOU Receive Invisible Information

This is written on the ancient Temple of Apollo in Greece, where the Gods spoke through an Oracle (priestess/sibyl) and offered insight and prophecies.

Intuitive information is received and processed differently. You can’t harness what you don’t understand. Knowing how we individually receive is key. Exploring our intuitive landscape and natural soul gifts are part of the fun!

Take a moment now: remember a time you received intuitive guidance. Remember how it felt, if you heard something, just knew or saw images. Was it a gut feeling or a physical reaction? Take notes.

There are four main types and please be aware that many of us are combinations. Intuitive and author, Sherrie Dillard has organized them as Emotional (Empaths), Mental, Spiritual and Physical Intuitives.

5.     Hone The Intuition Habit: Learn To Go Within

 Taking time to get quiet, release worries/thoughts and lists, connect to your breath and allow is key! You can do this in the morning to begin your day, throughout the day or to end your day. Commit to this practice daily. Let’s do that now.

·      Get comfortable
·      Take a deep breath in through your nose exhaling through your mouth.
·      Allowing your eyes to gently close.
·      Allowing your breath to go deeper and deeper into your body.
·      Breathing in, allowing yourself to be present.
·      Exhaling and letting go.
·      Ask yourself,” What do I need to know right now?”

Intuition is often repetitive, to the point and often objective.

6.     Invite Your Mind To Be In Service Of Your Intuition

Often our mind does battle with us when it comes to information we cannot “prove.” From years of practice, I know that there are ways to gain confidence through various validation testing.

·      Create a document or begin an intuition journal.

·      Date each entry. Ask,” What do I need to know right now?”

·      Allow whatever information to come through and take notes.

Over time, your mind will start to relax as it starts to notice that indeed, your insight is positive, supportive and on the mark!

7.     Manage your Energy: All intuition and creative expression flows through YOU; your body, mind and spirit is your vehicle. When you are not creating boundaries with the needs of others overriding ours, when we over schedule, under exercise, overeat and under sleep…we are creating a recipe for an energetic imbalance that muddles your clarity and your ability to apply what you know.

As an intuitive, your first responsibility is to feel good. Not in a selfish way rather a self FULL way where you are managing your energies so you can show up for life to the best of your ability.

A great check in is: “How can I better support my overall well-being today?” Then take action!

8.     Small Steps Lead to Big Leaps

As you learn to manage your energy, apply self-care and listen to your internal guidance, your confidence will increase. Couple this with the daily practice of checking in and taking notes, you will find that you start to accurately understand and see into various situations, places and people.

The intuition habit starts to create a stronger and more resilient muscle.

Be patient with yourself as even the greatest athletes may have been winded the first time they attempted a longer race or a more intense level of competition.

Each small step is preparing you to take the biggest of leaps! Trust and keep on honing the intuition habit!

9.     Seek Kindred Spirits: Create Conscious Community

Through my years of sessions and in my own life, I’ve realized that many highly sensitive people have a healer within. They often take on Debbie Downers and other crazy-makers and want to be supportive. While I am not suggesting you need to end relationships with a friend that may be going through a rough time, don’t we all need love and understanding during such times? Do pay attention to people who are addicted and attached to cyclical drama, complaining and pain.

Instead of drastic endings look toward hopeful beginnings. During meditation invite like-minded Souls into your life. Keep in mind that everything serves to teach us and allow us to expand our compassion, patience and discernment.

Seek out and be open to new people showing up in your life that are also seeking to connect and follow their bliss. Be open to old friends and family sharing their hearts in a new way. Holding space for people’s potential and inviting in what you are seeking will surely draw it into your life.

Tap into your intuition about events you might attend or places you may visit. Trust that you are being guided!

10.  Serve with Courage & Integrity: Now SOAR!

True power comes from within. It cannot be bought or sold, though it may appear like that on the outside world. We are undergoing a deep awakening and I believe humanity is beginning to shift from “power over” to a “power from within” paradigm.

As you hone, practice and validate your intuitive style, you will continue to grow in confidence. Walk your talk and don’t use your “intuition” as excuse, weapon or manipulation. Stay aligned, get grounded and continue to show up.

Leveraging our intuition and using it to our best advantage for health, love, business and life is about honoring our connection to all that is and understanding that we are a part of an intricate network of energy and creation.

As we honor others, we honor ourselves we cannot lose. Our failures and losses are heavy with lessons and our successes, the culmination of work, talent and grace.

Intuition, like spirituality cannot keep us from the wheel of human experience. We will still lose, win, cry, hurt, love, maybe get ill and someday pass into the next experience.

Our intuition and our Spirit inform us of the sacred web we reside in and our part in this beautiful tapestry called life. It can give us much needed information when we are taking a risk and remind us that we must leap even if others so not “see” the vision we are holding.

It can guide us in how to best heal, grow and serve the world and can give us practical information on how to prioritize and make the most of our resources as we build a life and heart-centered business we can be proud of!